Monday, February 22, 2016

Countdown to Curse of Strahd - Van Richten’s Guide to the Created

Countdown to Curse of Strahd - Van Richten’s Guide to the Created - 1994

Another of my favorite Van Richten’s Guides, this one is all about Golems. My favorite part is in the back, where they introduce rules for golems made from the body parts of a Player Character. I love how unsanitized AD&D was in the 90′s, they just rolled with their ideas and didn’t really worry about moms getting upset.

 I can imagine one of the writers must’ve said: “Hey, what if the player dies and his brain and some body parts are transplanted into a golem? Should we have rules for that in this book?” and the unanimous response was: “Of course! Why wouldn’t we?”

Gotta love Ravenloft in the 90′s.

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