Sunday, September 29, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge: Day 29-What is the number you always seem to roll on a d20?

Well this isn't a very interesting question for me, to be honest.  The original author of the 30 Day challenge must've been running out of ideas at this point, or they must have a really good answer to this question.

The number I always seem to roll on a d20?  Its 14.  Yeah, not that exciting, huh?  But that's the case.  Now, we've all got those buddies who can't help but roll 1's whenever the chips are down.  We all know that guy.  He's got a good answer to that question and a lot of dumb stories.  Or we know the guy that is just the crit-master, rollin' 20s like its his job. We all suspect he's using loaded dice, but we don't say anything because we really needed him to finish off that beholder.

But I'm not either of those guys.  I roll 14s.

Now, I'm not saying 14 is a bad number.  No, its a pretty good number.  That combined with a not-terrible attack bonus against a standard AC is pretty much going to hit.  So I usually hit when its my turn, which I'm glad about.  Just doesn't make that interesting of a post is all.  Still, gotta love d20s.  Keep 'em rolling.

UPDATE: I've been informed that there will be a guest post for Day 30 of the 30-Day D&D Challenge here on the Vorpal Chainsword.  I haven't been told exactly who it is, but I have some guesses.  I look forward to reading it!


Anonymous said...

Chad here. As "that guy" who rolls 1s, I think the dumb stories are what really makes D&D awesome. Every other game you just lose and go on to the next turn...which, ah, makes most games terrible for me. D&D makes ones an opportunity for good storytelling and memorable moments! Everyone wins!

Cory said...

I agree. The dumb stories are what make D&D awesome.
I say "dumb" because let's face it, a monk falling out of a 1000 foot lighthouse because he rolled a 1 on his final climb check is pretty dumb. But hilarious. D&D is filled with heroes doing ridiculously bad-ass stuff, but its the twists that make it fun. Without the events of "And then, despite his invisibility, flight, and bull's strength, he rolled a 1..." then you might as well be reading a Drizzt book.

PS: Speaking of which, I recently picked up the first of the latest Drizzt trilogy, called "Gauntlegrym." Did you know Drizzt rides a Unicorn now? And Wulfgar is 70 years old? How many freaking books did I miss?

brando said...

The last one I read was 'The Billion Orcs" or something. My current game is in the Evermoors, and I think soon thy're going to be fighting some bog blokes whilst singing.

"Chopping wood for the fire me son,
Heat up the kettle, and the meal's begun."

That was from memory.

And about the dice. My dice seem to roll each number in a perfectly equal spread. Each digit seems to be rolled about 5% of the time.