Thursday, September 5, 2013

30-Day D&D Challenge catch-up - Days 1-3

I realized since I started at Day 4 I should really try and fill the backlog of missed days.  So here you go:

 Day 1-How you got started
Age 8.  Cub scouts.  Some kid brought his dad's copy of the Holmes basic rulebook and let me read it. 'nuff said.

 Day 2-Favorite Playable Race
Gotta be Dwarves!  They're just too stoic and angry enough all the time to not be fun to play.  Plus they hate elves, which I can sympathize with (I like half-elves, but only if they're the self-loathing kind).


Day 3-Favorite Playable Class
 Wait, didn't I just tell you that it was Dwarves?  Oh, wait, we're talking fancy-schmancy Advanced D&D.  Okay then, my favorite playable class has to be Ranger.  The perfect solo adventurer or party leader.  Can sneak, can track, can fight (often with two swords at no penalty), and has perpetual 5-o'clock shadow.  The coolest of D&D heroes. 


brando said...

Nice! I like what you're throwing out. I see why you like rangers, and your characters tend to be ranger/trackerish regardless of class.

Here's mine.

1. How you got started: Well, Cory got me started. I was in high school, and sort of considered myself a jock. I didn't even know what D&D was other than the fact that my Grandma said that it would make me get possessed by a demon. She even had some brochure, and was pretty adamant about it. Also, that movie in the 80s didn't help. Thanks for nothing Tom Hanks.

Cory was my friend's little brother, and had me roll up a character. We had to sit there and type it into some computer program he had. He kept stressing that I could "ignore the lowest roll" because heroes are better than average. Then I pointed out "So, you're telling me the "best" thing is to roll a 666? How interesting."

I made a dwarf named "Gastroc", and he had a spiked shield. Cory kept pointing out "You can shield bash!" That sounded good at the time.

2. Favorite Race: My favorite race to play is Gotrek Gurnisson.

3. Favorite Class: I'd have to say Fighter. Vanilla fighter. In 2nd edition, they got to specialize in weapons, which was really quite impressive. There was also no dinking around with climbing and read runes. Just carnage. I never liked berzerkers or barbarians because they have drawbacks. I just wanted the best armor, best swords, and no secret weaknesses. I also like Palidins, but not because of the bonuses, but because of the holier-than-yer-face attitude. Oh, and last but not least, I'm usually into my cups when gaming, and fighters have less to keep track of. Just plop me in front of something to destroy, and I'm all good. Two words: Power Attack.

Cory said...

I remember Gastroc, at least, I remember teaching you about D&D. I didn't believe it would be possible to convert a 90's jock into an rpg gamer, until I found out you'd been playing Ultima 5 on your Pentium 286 Computer. Ultima is a universal gateway drug that leads to poorly written novels that feature drow rangers and funny-shaped dice rolling.

I knew your favorite race would also be Dwarves. Dwarves are the best, especially ones with one eye and such cussedness that they Just. Won't. Stay. Down! On that note I was reading the latest Gotrek & Felix book (Path of Skulls) and they made Felix a total pansy again who stutters and stammers in fear whenever talking to Gotrek about dwarf issues. I think its a new author, but still. I mean, Felix has traveled with Gotrek for like, 20 years? And they've been back and forth between the Hells and whatever, and I know Felix was becoming a bad-ass around the end of those vampire novels, so I don't know what gives with the new Felix.

Fighters need two things: a 20-sided die in their right hand and an 8-sided die in their left hand. Roll to hit. Roll for damage. Roll to hit. Roll for damage. And I agree that the whole 3/2 attacks/round specialization at first level was pretty excellent.